June 2022 Update: Thoughts on The Near and Long Term Investment Environment
I hope you are beating the heat and enjoying the start of summer. Given the negative press on the economy and financial markets, I thought I would provide some perspective on the near and long term investment environment.
Inflation, Rate Hikes and Recessions, Oh My! Be Prepared for Depressed Returns over the Near Term - In the note I highlight how stocks and fixed income have performed in times past during conditions similar to today.
Long Term Stock Investors: Please Keep Calm and Carry On - In this note I highlight how stocks have performed well over the long run and over the last 10 years, that stock market declines are common, some bear market history is presented and I make a case for the futility of stock market timing.
Now may be a good time to catch up. To schedule a chat just click the scheduling link below.
Happy Reading,
William E. Hawes, CFA, CFP®
President & Chief Investment Officer
Candor Asset Advisors, LLC
512 522-8501
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