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March 2022 Update: Tax Planning Tips, Estate Planning To Dos, and Selling Your Home in A Hot Real Estate Market

I hope March is going well for you. I thought I would pass along a few things that may help. 


Tax Planning – Just a reminder that if you have investment accounts, please make sure you use the latest 1099 forms when filing your 2021 returns. Investment custodians have been revising the 1099s since January. This tip  especially applies to your taxable investment accounts. Also, we have provided a 2022 tax planning guide from Prudential so you can be prepared going forward.


Estate Planning – We have provided a helpful PDF on estate planning to dos.


Real Estate - In this hot real estate market, is a secret sale the best way to sell your house? This Wall Street Journal article provides perspective.


Now may be a good time to catch up. To schedule a time to chat with me just click on the link below.


As always please let me know if you have questions or comments,

William E. Hawes, CFA, CFP®

President & Chief Investment Officer

Candor Asset Advisors, LLC


512 522-8501



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